Monday, June 3, 2013

About The Author

This site is a place where a photojournalist | reporter | blogger | graphic designer and social media user interprets web happenings in order to understand an ever changing technological world - as they relate to her world.

What is it to ‘reinvent’ yourself, to stay employed, to see a child grow into an adult, to return to graduate school at mid-fifties - an otherwise approaching retirement but not-quite-there-yet, time of life?  

A wife, mother, employee, freelancer and hybrid artist, the author approaches life with eyes wide-open, heart ever hoping for connection - not necessarily the virtual kind.

Stay tuned for curious inquiry about living within and without self-imposed boundaries.


  1. I really like this! You use only about 100 words, and yet we get a pretty full picture of who you are, where you’ve been, and where you’d like to be in the future. The only comment I have is the paragraph ending in a question (What is it to?). It reads weird to me. Is it meant to be two sentences? Like: “What is it to ‘reinvent yourself? To stay employed, to see a child…” etc.etc. Good job :)

    1. I see how the run-on sentence can be strange to read. That's what happens when I write as I think.... wandering minds makes for loose sentence structure! I'll do a re-write! Thanks!!

  2. Short, sweet and to the point. You are going to cringe when you see my about me page. Sorry! I love how directed this is. I agree with Juniper on that paragraph. Maybe breaking it up into a couple of sentences? Otherwise your writing is beautiful. Very passionate in so little words. Great work!
