Sunday, July 14, 2013

Curious About You

Two things are certain in life. You know what they are: death and taxes. We can't seem to escape these inevitable circumstances. What happens between the two, life and living, is something everyone has some control over.

I'm interested in hearing how your life is going. Are you aging the way you imagined? Does the Affordable Health Care Act seem a good thing as you discover new aches and pains? Do you approach each day as a blessing or just another day of getting through a series of obstacles?

I am interested in your story. I want to know because knowing how life is for you, helps me appreciate how life is for me.

Wanted: your story. In return, I provide a listening ear, a portrait or video testimonial. This project aims to connect human beings to the experience we both share: our time and how we manage it.

Do you have a project you need help with getting the word out? Consider this an open pitch for assistance with telling your story. I offer photography | video | writing services. Consultation by appointment:

Mobile: 203 228-0277

Work samples include:

'Animal Love'

'Bread For Life' PSA


  1. I love that you posted previous work as samples for your proposal. This is really well done. I do feel, in your second paragraph, your focus is on an older generation. Is this the demographic you are targeting? If not I would suggest adding more to the paragraph to relate to other age brackets.

    1. Aging is a subject I am interested in, although not exclusively. These were two separate works, one on animal shelters and the second on a food pantry. Both rely on the generosity of the public. Age wasn't really an issue, although if you think about it many animals that are abandoned aren't young, and many people who need food can be an older population. Hmmmm you have me thinking now!!
