Monday, May 27, 2013

Nickname For Inspiration

I'm not an expert on anything. In fact, the reason I'm in grad school now was to finish something I started a long time ago.

One year into competing a Master of Science in Social Research at Hunter College - City University of New York, I said yes to a full time job working for a newspaper. The pay scale was generous, more than I'd earn with the Master degree. The choice was a good one providing me with a career lasting twelve years.

During that time publishing industries changed rapidly - from hands on operations like printing in a darkroom and laying out the paper in a composing room, to that of a digital work flow. My job title evolved from Darkroom Technician to Digital Technician. Subsequent job titles include: Photo Editor, Newsroom Librarian, Reporter, Photojournalist and Graphic Designer.

When choosing a pseudonym for Interactive Writing assignment, I remembered a nickname my father called me. It came from showing him my homework writing assignment. The penmanship was neat handwriting, the standard rule many nuns extolled on their Catholic students, "When writing stay within the lines!" The lines were the margins on loose leaf paper and thinking about that now makes me so glad those days are over! I can't imagine staying within the lines now - there's too much happening in the outer alleys of life!


  1. I LOVE the way you tied in your psudeonym with you bio, so we learned the reason behind it as well as information about you. Again, a very well written piece.

  2. Written really well. This is a great cohesive bio. This piece gives me the opportunity to learn more about you and your reason for going back to school. The only suggestion I would have is adding a paragraph to tie in the topic you chose for your blog. Looking at how well your information ties together makes me rethink drastically my bio. Great job!
